Saturday, September 16, 2017

Oldsmobile 98

A further image in the old and abandoned car series which I have been doing featuring my little boy, Jonty and our Labradoodle, Mocha.  I wanted to make this piece fun...

Living the Photo Artistic Life - September 2017 Magazine

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

End of the Chevy Line

End of the Chevy Line

The second piece in the series of old and abandoned vintage cars showcasing my little man (Jonty) and our Labradoodle (Mocha).  I love the colours, light and tones here.

Jungle Book

Jungle Book
Having gotten myself hooked on the old vintage and abandoned cars which feature Jonty and our beautiful Labradoodle (Mocha), this will be one of the last few pieces in the bear themed series showcasing my little man.  I took him to our local library and showed him some books on bears.  He loved the photography in the books and sit very intently looking at all the pictures while I snapped away on my camera.


A series of artworks showing casing old and abandoned cars featuring my little boy, Jonty and our beloved Labradoodle, Mocha.

Legend of the Sleeping Bear

Legend of the Sleeping Bear. Wee Jonty is reading such wonderful stories about his new friend.